Rani P Collaborations | Public Speaking
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Public Speaking

As a professional public speaker, Rani demonstrates the power that storytelling has to move hearts and change minds.

Rani Pramesti on why advocacy for the arts is essential- with Diversity Arts Australia.

Rani Pramesti representing Western Edge Youth Arts at The Funding Network pitch event (August 2016, Melbourne)

Panelist for CAUSINDY: a bilateral  youth organisation across Australia – Indonesia
Speaker for Indonesian feminist organisation, Perempuan Mahardhika 
Workshop facilitator for Western Edge Youth Arts: “Pragmatic Approaches to Living as an Artist”
Presenter for Next Wave Kickstart program on ‘Cross-cultural Collaboration’
Presenter at Emerging Writers Festival on ‘Writing a Stellar Funding Application’
Screening and discussion on TheChineseWhispers.com at Oakland Asian Cultural Centre
Screening and discussion on TheChineseWhispers.com at Melbourne Writers Festival
Screening and discussion on TheChineseWhispers.com at Singapore Writers Festival
Screening and workshop inspired by TheChineseWhispers.com at Due West Festival


Panelist on ‘Art and Spirituality: Hand in Hand’ and facilitator of ‘Working Group on Women as Leaders in the Arts’ at Australian Theatre Forum, Kaurna country (Adelaide) ”

Panelist at Creative State Summit, 29 June, Australian Centre for Moving Image, Melbourne

Presenter for Arts Access Victoria’s Activate professional development program: for artists and producers living with disability, on the topic of Power and Privilege, co-presented with Hannah Morphy-Walsh

2015 – 2017

Board Member, Youth Advisory Committee for Western Edge Youth Arts

Featured speaker for ‘Diverse Practice: Exploring social change through the performing arts’, Immigration Museum, Melbourne
Presenter at Performing the World conference, New York City, 23- 25 September 2016

Featured speaker at Peril: Asian-Australian Arts and Culture 10th Anniversary
Featured speaker on “Let’s smash the patriarchy together, babe: five generations of feminism”, ArtsHouse, as part of UK-based artist, Nic Green’s season of Trilogy

Representing Independent Artists at The Huddle Work Expo, North Melbourne, through ArtsHouse
Featured speaker on “Talking about Translation: History, Art and Language” as part of the “Moving Tongues” Exhibition at City Library.
Featured speaker for the University of Melbourne’s Art History Student Society

Featured speaker representing Western Edge Youth Arts at The Funding Network’s pitch event, successfully fundraising over AU$20,000

Featured speaker on “There’s No Place Like Home” presented by Kultour at Australian Performing Arts Centres Association (APACA) conference

Participant at National Arts Sector Meeting, June 2016.

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Featured writer on AustralianPlays.org on “Performance Making in a Violent World”

Featured speaker as 1 of 7 socially engaged artists at Carnival of the Bold, VIVID Festival, Sydney

Featured speaker on “Pathways to Diversity – What Does It Take?” at the Australian Theatre Forum

Selected Participant for Theatre Network Victoria (now Theatre Network Australia)’s Peer Learning Circle on New Landscape, New Leadership, strategizing towards a sustainable arts sector.

Featured writer on Peril: Asian Australian Arts and Culture